Hi Andre, I recent completed a huge research study on remote work, and analyzed things like how the # of remote jobs has been trending the past year, whether remote jobs are more common among senior leaders vs lower level workers, and how remote work culture correlates with work satisfaction.

I thought you might find some of the findings interesting: https://bloomberry.com/the-state-of-remote-work/ . Feel free to share/cite it if you feel it'd be useful to your readers

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Hi, I noticed that Chicago, IL isn't included in the spreadsheet. That seems like a pretty big city to exclude. I'm curious to know if that was intentional or not?

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I’ll joke and say “isn’t it the same as Cleveland but more expensive?”.

I should probably include them, especially since many people will be coming from the region. I had a bias going in against anywhere with real winters then slowly added in popular destinations for people leaving CA.

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I am wary of Niche school reports. Everything varies by neighborhood and can change year to year. Especially after the pandemic .... better to ask friends-of-friends or research in person (if possible!). Public schools have PTSAs with board members that will often gladly give a tour and chat.

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